The Joy of Dissing the Electronic Universe
I would love to read some short pieces (nonfiction, history, sci fi—you pick) about some characters (you?) struggling with their smartphones, laptops, tablets, Bluetooth, GPS, programmable thermostats, TV remotes, Facebook, DVRs, Tivos, email programs, websites, windows 8, Macbooks, and so on. Bring on the emotion! I heard recently that anyone born before computers is now an immigrant to the land of all things electronic, while those born to households complete with electronic devices are the true natives to this country. Can you remember beepers? The IBM Selectric? Carbon paper? Five inch floppy disks? Pong? Alien Invaders? Carmen Santiago? Long stretchy telephone cords? Getting up to change the channel for the five options available? Feel free to rant about your journey on the way to the land of liberty where everyone is free to be everywhere they can manage to be at once.