Turning Point Moments

~~Back in the 1960s, a female could get kicked out of school for coming in late to the dorm or for being caught in a men’s dorm.  When the clock hit midnight and your new love looked at you with tender eyes, did you stay out or mind the rules? ~~Your favorite employee comes into your office swearing at the top of her lungs, right when you are having a friendly chat with your boss’s boss.  Do you tell her to come back when she calms down or do you invite her to sit down and ask your boss’s boss to join you in the real world of being in charge of two dozen overworked women? ~~She did it again.  She cheated on you while you were in Europe on business for six weeks.  Trouble is, you did too.  A really fine-looking, smart French woman was working on the same project with you, and after a few nice meals together and friendly evening walks, things got out of hand.   Your move! ~~Junior is getting picked on in school.  Do you tell him to butch up and fight the bully or call the school and ask them to intervene? ~~You get tickets for a Jackson Browne solo concert (fifth row center!), but right in the middle of the second set, aliens land outside the intimate venue.  Tough choice!